
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock’s visits to Sarajevo and Podgorica underscored the importance of EU integration. Germany’s positive reception in the Balkans dates back to post-WWII economic and diplomatic support. Historical involvement began in 1878, post-Congress of Berlin, and has continued with economic and military backing. Post-1990, Germany’s diplomatic and economic investment in the Balkans has been significant, including billions in aid and initiatives like the Berlin Process.
Baerbock’s recent remarks stressed no tolerance for “gray areas” in Europe, a need to resist Russian destabilization, and support for Balkan democratic institutions and economic growth. EU accession for the Balkan states is framed as a geopolitical imperative against Russian aggression. Questions remain about the coordination of strategies with France and Britain, as disparities have previously led to regional consequences.Continue Reading


By Blerim Abedini, The Institute for Security Studies and Development, ISSDNM– Scientific achievements in space exploration have become one of the highest goals for governments worldwide. These achievements not only push the boundaries of human knowledge but also have numerous practical applications and implications. For instance, the U.S. has madeContinue Reading


Etnitë moderne ruse, ukrainase dhe bjelloruse u lindën nga Rusia e Kievit, e cila në vetvete ishte një shtet më gjenerik sllavo lindor në kufijtë lindorë të Evropës. Përpara se mongolët të pushtonin zonën, në thelb ishin katër rajone të dallueshme të popujve sllavë: Pas largimit të mongolëve, mbeten vetëmContinue Reading


Shqipëria ka hapur bazën e parë ajrore të NATO-s në Ballkanin Perëndimor. Ky moment historik ilustron përkushtimin e palëkundur të Shqipërisë ndaj parimeve të NATO-s për të mbrojtur paqen, lirinë dhe demokracinë duke iu kundërvënë kërcënimeve përmes parandalimit dhe mbrojtjes. Zyrtarë nga qeveria shqiptare, SHBA dhe NATO morrën pjesë nëContinue Reading


Selim Ibraimi- In parallel with the campaign for the election of presidential candidates and party calculations for the April parliamentary elections in North Macedonia, a new wave of political disinformation as part of digital disinformation has begun to heat the political and emotional competition among ethnic groups. We have becomeContinue Reading


Atlantic Forum By Mejreme Asllani –In a complex Euro-Atlantic geopolitical environment, which witnessed the return of conventional warfare following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, enhancing political dialogue and crisis management have turned into NATO’s operational flagships. Since its establishment at the Vilnius Summit on the ashes ofContinue Reading


By Blerim Abedini, ISSD-NM –Although the world achieved rapid development for two centuries, which science calculates this as an achievement of hundreds of millions of years. However, people rather support the religious concept of human achievements than the scientific one. Even though many scientific articles continue to defend the thesisContinue Reading


Selim Ibraimi- In the last two centuries, the Western Balkans have been Europe’s most troubled region. There have been several factors that have contributed to the Balkans being a hot spot. The internal factors were the nations of the region themselves with the centuries-old goals of forming nation-states, and onContinue Reading


Nga Blerim Abedini, Instituti për Studime të Sigurisë dhe Zhvillim– Bota ec me një zhvillim modest, përderisa politika ka një diskurs përshkak të mos zgjidhjes së çështjeve shoqërore. Informacioni i marrë nga rrjeti digjital ka ndikuar në përshpejtimin e zhvillimit teknologjik në të gjitha anët e rruzullit tokësorë. Ky zhvillimContinue Reading