Nga Selim Ibraimi   Hyrje Ministri i Jashtëm i Federatës Ruse Sergei Lavrov vizitoi Beogradin të mërkurën duke e  forcuar edhe më shumë aleancën e vjetër 180 vjeçare në mes Rusisë dhe Serbisë. Të dyja vendet vendosën lidhje në vitin 1838 duke i zhvilluar më tej marrëdhëniet  diplomatike në vitinContinue Reading

SELIM IBRAIMI- Leaders of the Western Balkans have shown little respect for the rule of law. As long as they keep the region of the Balkans in stable condition, the EU is willing to forgive their mistakes? There are same opinions that due to the lack of attractive strategy, criteria andContinue Reading

SELIM IBRAIMI- CENTER FOR SECURITY STUDIES AND DEVELOPMENT-MACEDONIA (CSSD) Macedonia with lack of media freedom and decline in professionalism- journalism standards has created a vacuum for spreading the ‘Fake News’ and with big impact for entire country. Before the Islamic State (IS) was created, political extremism in Macedonia was developingContinue Reading

By Selim Ibraimi-This article first was published on VISION POLITIC-independent research and analysis center. The trends of instability continue in the Balkans, and the political events in Macedonia are part of the information warfare. Diplomatic efforts to form a new government in Macedonia after the elections of last year haveContinue Reading

(CSSD-Macedonia)-The new policies of new administration of the U.S. President Donald Tramp was followed by a wave of criticism addressed to US ambassadors in the region, namely in Serbia, the so-called ‘Republika Srpska’, in Macedonia, but also in Albania. At the same time, the developments in the region, especially inContinue Reading

By Selim Ibraimi-Center for Security Studies and Development-Macedonia-(CSSD) Abstract: Energy infrastructure is related to cyber-warfare. Cyber-warfare is an Internet-based conflict involving politically motivated attacks on information network systems. Cyberwarfare attacks can disable official websites and networks, disrupt or disable essential services, steal classified data, and cripple financial systems — amongContinue Reading

By Selim Ibraimi- Center for Security Studies and Development- Macedonia (CSSDM) Intro Tension and fear in Europe about Russia and Putin’s policies. Another concerns for EU and US is the Moscow’s intentions in Balkans. As if Europe didn’t have enough problems and crises, Serbs in the Republic of Srpska areContinue Reading

The CSSD founder Mr. Selim Ibraimi, participated in live debate organized by TV A 1 Report in Albania. How to counter extremism and what to do with radicalization of population in the Balkans? Experts also have discuss the current trends, regional geopolitics and Russian interests in the region.Continue Reading

By Selim Ibraimi- Center for Security Studies and Development (CSSD) The state security dilemma for the Balkan states lies in the tendency of governments to go back in history. Alliances have an important and center role in Balkan politics. States and governments seems that don’t want progress, membership on NATOContinue Reading