
Analisti Hal Brands shkruan se “rezultati i luftës në Ukrainë do të formësojë ekuilibrin strategjik nga Balltiku në Azinë Qendrore, si dhe ekuilibrin e avantazhit midis autokracive euroaziatike dhe demokracive liberale që i kundërshtojnë ato”.Continue Reading


Analistja amerikane Ivana Strander në një postim në rrjetin X, ka shkruar se Rusia dhe Serbia po koordinohen mirë para protestave të opozitës serbe të shtunën. “Për 48 orë do të ketë protesta masive në Serbi”. “Rusia ka akuzuar Perëndimin për komplot të një revolucioni me ngjyra. Qeveria serbe kaContinue Reading


 “Ne kishim informacione nga shërbimet që na paralajmëruan për këtë. Para së gjithash, këtë informacion na e dha shërbimi sekret rus, por (përfaqësuesit e vendeve perëndimore) na akuzuan për përhapjen e dezinformatave dhe se ishte e pakuptimtë”- tha kryeministrja e Serbisë Ana Brnabic për Pink TV. Po sot presidenti serbContinue Reading


By Selim Ibraimi- When the war in Ukraine began, a significant number of specialists thought that the conflict would change Russian policy abroad and at home. Analysts predicted that Ukraine, with support from the West, would win and Russia would lose. Almost two years after Russia attacked Ukraine, Western chancellorsContinue Reading


Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti today said that Radoičić is planning a new attack on northern Kosovo from Novi Pazar and Raška, with support from the Serbian Security Intelligence Agency (BIA). Belgrade has denied Albin Kurti’s allegations. In September Kosovo was attacked by Serbian forces, leaving one policeman dead.Continue Reading


By Selim Ibraimi- With the fall of Al-Andalus (711-1492) and the conquest of the territory by the Normans, historians of the time recorded the events in an order that today seems impossible. Their objectivity was seen in the presentation of political, economic, cultural, and social events through the epistemological analysisContinue Reading


By Arsim Zekolli- The U.S. State Department’s acceptance of Aleksandar Vucic’s victory obtained through vote import, media intimidation, and mass corruption has taken opposition Serbia by surprise. Still, it should also concern the others in the region who await elections. Maybe the word ‘surprise’ is inadequate to describe the strangeContinue Reading


The European Union and the United States urged Serbia to address concerns about its electoral process after independent observers found worrying irregularities including vote buying during Sunday’s snap election. The electoral process in Serbia, which has been a candidate to join the EU since 2012, needs to be improved significantly, two EUContinue Reading


Although Serbia’s early parliamentary elections offered voters a choice between political alternatives and freedoms of expression and assembly were generally respected, pressure on voters as well as the decisive involvement of the President and the ruling party’s systemic advantages undermined the election process overall, international observers said in a statement today. TheContinue Reading