By Dr. Selim Ibraimi- Journalism in Kosova is in a terrible state. Non-professionals and individuals outside the professional and moral standards, have appeared in the opinion to do “journalism”. Unprofessional and biased so-called journalists, who for years have tried to represent the type of “independent” journalism, today are not on the function of the free press. It is not professional while you do not report the facts, but you as a public person put yourself on another mission not to inform the public, and as a reporter continue to lie on political grounds and hatred towards government officials, regardless of political colors.

Manipulations with the ownership of a media and legal mistakes by government officials should not be addressed in the sphere of press freedom violation. If there has been a violation of the law, both parties should focus on it and take responsibility. This has nothing to do with a free press. Most of the Kosovar media are in urgent need for help. All state laws cannot be violated in the name of freedom of the press. This is unacceptable in all countries with democracy and freedom of the press.

The least that the journalists and owners of Kosova should do, is to respect their country’s laws. As for political differences, it is the electorate and the viewers who decides in the end. Otherwise, the fragile democracy there is in danger not from outside, but from the bad citizens of Kosova, regardless of ethnic and religious background.

Ibraimi holds a PhD in Political Sciences from SEEU, a MA in International Relations from Webster University, Scott Air Force Base, IL, United States and BA in Journalism from the University of Tirana, Albania.