
Meliza Haradinaj- By closing down five locations of Serbian illegal bank branches in Kosovo’s northern territory, Kosovo has also: 1. Stopped massive money laundering for #Serbia’s high officials’ personal interests (SNS Party); 2. Discontinued the criminal activities (‘projects’) announced by Serbia’s illegal parallel structures, cash-financed by #SerbianDinars by Serbia, acquiredContinue Reading


Selim Ibraimi- Implementing a realistic foreign policy in certain periods of global uncertainty is quite a difficult mission. While globalization and new technology are reducing the capacities of fragile states to become important actors in international politics, the dependence between the big and the weak continues. Historically, small states haveContinue Reading


 Daniel Serwer – May 17, 2024 – The inevitable question today for those who think about the Balkans is what to do about the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities. Belgrade wants it formed by statute inside Kosovo. The Americans and Europeans are insisting on it. The Kosovo authorities are resisting it. What should beContinue Reading


Selim Ibraimi- As uncertainty continues around the globe, in Europe, and especially in the Balkans, the debate on whether governments will fulfill their pre-election promises remains to be seen. Meanwhile, some events in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Serbia have been important and influential for other geopolitical actorsContinue Reading


“Që Maqedonia e Veriut të vazhdojë rrugën e saj të suksesshme për anëtarësimin në BE, është thelbësore që vendi të vazhdojë në rrugën e reformave dhe respektimin e plotë të marrëveshjeve të saja detyruese, përfshirë Marrëveshjen e Prespës”– ka shkruar në X, Ursula von der Leyen nga Komisioni Evropian. PasContinue Reading


My heartfelt congratulations to Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova on her historic election as the first female president of North Macedonia. Congratulations also to all those citizens who exercised their right to vote yesterday in presidential and parliamentary elections. The United States will continue to support your goals for the security, prosperity, andContinue Reading


By Dr. Selim Ibraimi, (U.S.)- The winning party in North Macedonia, VMRO-DPMNE, has achieved extraordinary results in defeating the SDSM by large margins in the parliamentary and presidential elections. The presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska has won 2 to 1 in the results against the current candidate Stevo Pendarovski. According toContinue Reading