(CSSD-Macedonia)-The new policies of new administration of the U.S. President Donald Tramp was followed by a wave of criticism addressed to US ambassadors in the region, namely in Serbia, the so-called ‘Republika Srpska’, in Macedonia, but also in Albania. At the same time, the developments in the region, especially inContinue Reading

Selim Ibraimi -CSSD-On February 2015, the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with the events in Macedonia announced that foreign services want to destabilize Macedonia.RFM supported the former prime position regarding interceptions and his claims that the putsch is organized by the services of the neighboring countries and from several embassiesContinue Reading

By Selim Ibraimi-The Center for Security Studies and Development -Macedonia (CSSD) Introduction In the age of globalization and after the terrorist’s attack in American soil, in September 11, 2001, non- state actors have changed the world how we use it to understand it in the 20 century. Al-Qaeda before andContinue Reading

Selim Ibraimi (CSSD)-The societies new approach to countering violent extremism (CVE) through engaging community and civil society partners, challenges us to make a paradigm shift in how we understand the causes of radicalization, extremism and terrorism. This approach  should be supported by theory, research findings, knowledge, policy successes and supportingContinue Reading

As of November 2016, the book:” The Cold Peace”:10 years of geopolitical reconfiguration in the Balkans”-by the author and journalist Selim Ibraimi, it can be found also at Library of Congress of the United States, Southeast Europe Section / Germanic and Slavic Division Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate.You may also readContinue Reading

Editor’s choice- Book:Critical Security Studies  Realist assumptions of security studies increasingly have been challenged by an approach that places the human being, rather than the state, at the center of security concerns.CSS, brings together a diverse new group of analysts seeking to explore issues of international relations and contribute to theContinue Reading

Nga Selim Ibraimi- (Instituti i Studimeve të Sigurisë dhe Zhvillimit-Maqedoni (ISSD) Drejtoria Inteligjente Kombëtare e Amerikës theksoi në vitin 2012 se pas dy dekadave, bota nuk do të jetë më unipolare, por do të karakterizohet nga rritja e fuqive të shteteve tjera, por megjithatë Amerika, do të mbajë statusin eContinue Reading

Blerim Abedini, Center for Security Studies and Development- Macedonia (CSSD) The life under pressure has forced the Balkan population throughout history, to undergo reforms ordered by empires and other geopolitical factors. However, Balkans is not only possesses tangent of the EU, but it depends on added, other cross continental powers.Continue Reading

CSSD’s standards for high-quality research and analysis articulate longstanding CSSD’s concepts and values regarding the features of high-quality studies, political analysis, monographs and enduring methodologies on how CSSD experts think, collect ,evaluate , analyze , synthesize and publish the final products.Continue Reading