
Selim Ibraimi- The president of the Bosnian Serbs, Milorad Dodik, in an extraordinary speech in the Parliament of Republika Srpska, has openly threatened to secede from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). He has denied the Srebrenica massacre, demanded the expulsion of Western diplomats, and many other threats thatContinue Reading


German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock’s visits to Sarajevo and Podgorica underscored the importance of EU integration. Germany’s positive reception in the Balkans dates back to post-WWII economic and diplomatic support. Historical involvement began in 1878, post-Congress of Berlin, and has continued with economic and military backing. Post-1990, Germany’s diplomatic and economic investment in the Balkans has been significant, including billions in aid and initiatives like the Berlin Process.
Baerbock’s recent remarks stressed no tolerance for “gray areas” in Europe, a need to resist Russian destabilization, and support for Balkan democratic institutions and economic growth. EU accession for the Balkan states is framed as a geopolitical imperative against Russian aggression. Questions remain about the coordination of strategies with France and Britain, as disparities have previously led to regional consequences.Continue Reading


Selim Ibraimi- In parallel with the campaign for the election of presidential candidates and party calculations for the April parliamentary elections in North Macedonia, a new wave of political disinformation as part of digital disinformation has begun to heat the political and emotional competition among ethnic groups. We have becomeContinue Reading


By Blerim Abedini, ISSD-NM –Although the world achieved rapid development for two centuries, which science calculates this as an achievement of hundreds of millions of years. However, people rather support the religious concept of human achievements than the scientific one. Even though many scientific articles continue to defend the thesisContinue Reading


Selim Ibraimi- In the last two centuries, the Western Balkans have been Europe’s most troubled region. There have been several factors that have contributed to the Balkans being a hot spot. The internal factors were the nations of the region themselves with the centuries-old goals of forming nation-states, and onContinue Reading

Selim Ibraimi

By Selim Ibraimi- The United States and the European Union are making great efforts for the Western Balkans to become part of the union by 2030, and for Ukraine to maintain its territorial integrity. Last year’s initiative with 6 billion euros to offer the region closer to the EU, tookContinue Reading

Selim Ibraimi

Selim Ibraimi- Përgjatë shekullit të XX, kalimi nga gjeopolitika klasike në gjeopolitikën kritike vlerësohej se ishte ontologjike dhe epistemologjike. Në marrëdhëniet ndërkombëtare, gjeopolitika kritike filloi të zhvillohej më shumë aty kah fundi i shekullit të XX dhe me ndryshimet e mëdha që ndodhën në bllokun lindor. Në kuptimin ontologjik, “materializmiContinue Reading


By Selim Ibraimi– Russian President Vladimir Putin was on an official visit to Saudi Arabia and the United Emirates. Russia, isolated from the democratic world and under sanctions, has managed to keep the national economy alive. It has been done with countries like Serbia, Turkey, China, North Korea, the MiddleContinue Reading

Selim Ibraimi

Qeveria kosovare duhet të mënjanojë një konferencë ndërkombëtare të Fuqive të Mëdha për pjesën veriore ose një Dejton të dytë. Një konferencë e tillë do të kishte pasoja fatale. Takimi i fundit serbo-maqedonas në kuadër të “Ballkanit të Hapur” është një tregues se një aleancë sllave është në ngritje, eContinue Reading


Selim Ibraimi- Henri Kisinxheri vdiq të mërkurën (1923-2023). I lindur në qytetin Furth të Gjermanisë në një familje hebreje, pas ardhjes në pushtet të nazistëve emigruan në SHBA. Ai ishte ushtarë gjatë Luftës së Dytë Botërore, oficer i inteligjencës amerikane në Gjermani, student dhe profesor i marrëdhënieve ndërkombëtare në Harvard,Continue Reading