As of November 2016, the book:” The Cold Peace”:10 years of geopolitical reconfiguration in the Balkans”-by the author and journalist Selim Ibraimi, it can be found also at Library of Congress of the United States, Southeast Europe Section / Germanic and Slavic Division Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate.You may also readContinue Reading

From the debate on CVE, Skopje, Macedonia.What is next for the region? Foreign fighters,education and integration.Experts,journalists and representatives of religious community have discussed all causes and options how to prevent violent extremism in the Balkans.Themes: Dynamics,approaches,empowering local partners,the role of media to prevent violence,inter- culture,inter-faith, inter-dialogues, global and regional challenges,Continue Reading

By Selim Ibraimi- The Balkans remain the area of instability. Even though the security and stabilization has been improved since the 1999, the region fails back on current trends. Migration of Syrian refugees dramatically has change the Western Balkans and had direct impact on the feature of the region. Russia’s offensiveContinue Reading

(CSSD-Macedonia)-Macedonia goes to the parliamentary elections on December 11, 2016. For this Balkan analyst MA Selim Ibraimi spoke on DIPLOMATICUS-NEWS 24. Stay tuned this Thursday 20:30  pm in News 24 -Albania. The political crisis in Macedonia-Albanian opposition. Corruption, DUI and DPA, SDSM and VMRO- in Albanian context. Russia is movingContinue Reading

By Selim Ibraimi- Center for Security Studies and Development-Macedonia (CSSD) PART I Reflections on Geopolitics: Intersection of geopolitics in Macedonia.The Balkans and Europe after the Crimean annexation.Russian intervention in Syria. Formation of the regional divisions in Balkans. 1.Due to the crisis in Crimea and Russian expansion in Europe, all WesternContinue Reading

DINA TEMPLE-RASTON, NPR-The most effective de-radicalization programs build trust and then challenges a jihadist mindset. A version of this program in Copenhagen, Denmark, is called VINK. A counselor explains the process and the lessons it might hold for the U.S. AUDIO:  Photo.Washington PostContinue Reading