By Blerim Abedini, Institute for Security Studies and Development, ISSD-NM– The world moves with a modest development while politics is stuck with a discourse due to not finding a solution to social issues. The information obtained from the digital network has influenced the acceleration of technological development in all partsContinue Reading
Statement of PM Albin Kurti, regarding the discussion surrounding the decision of the Central Bank of Kosova
Statement of PM of Kosova Albin Kurti regarding the discussion surrounding the decision of the CBK: I urge all invested in the prosperity of our country to allow for a smooth transition of democratic measures. Additionally, we pledge to increase communication on the current and future issues at stake.Continue Reading
Hovenier: The U.S. is deeply concerned about recent actions by the authorities of Kosovo
The United States Government is deeply concerned about recent actions by authorities of the Government of Kosovo that have a direct and negative effect on members of the ethnic Serb and other minority communities in Kosovo.Continue Reading
Antony Blinken is to visit Albania on February 15
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is to visit Albania on February 16. This marks the fourth visit by a Secretary of State to Albania.Continue Reading
Countering Corruption and Russian Malign Influence in the Western Balkans
PRESS STATEMENT MATTHEW MILLER, DEPARTMENT SPOKESPERSON Today, the Department of State is designating two individuals and 12 entities from the Western Balkans connected to Russia’s malign influence in the region and the corruption that enables it. The Department is designating Misa Vacic, a Serbian politician, for participating in Kremlin-organized illegitimateContinue Reading
Putin has awarded Serbia’s ex-intel chief Aleksandar Vulin with the Order of Friendship
Russian President Vladimir Putin has awarded Serbia’s ex-intel chief Aleksandar Vulin with the Order of Friendship for his significant contribution to the cooperation between Serbian spay agency BIA and Russian FSB. Vulin has been under U.S. sanctions for corruption and links to organized crime and Russia. https://www.rferl.org/a/serbia-russia-vulin-order-of-friendship-putin/32798101.html https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy1606Continue Reading
Strong support for Kosovo and Serbia on EU-facilitated dialogue
Strong support for Kosovo and Serbia on EU facilitated Dialogue. Need full implementation of agreements, including ASM. New local elections in’s north should go forward; coordination before implementing new currency regulations. Must hold accountable those involved in Banjska’s attack. EU representatives will visit Belgrade and Pristina.Continue Reading
Partia që na “solli lirinë”, shpëtimin e kërkon jashtë kufijve!
Shpëtimin po e kërkojnë jashtë kufijve. Por i kanë gabuar njerëzit… Buzhala dhe Haxhiu janë gazetarët që insistonin që BDI të vazhdojë me VMRO-në. Kelmendi në këtë mision është me urdhër dhe vetëm zbaton atë që i thuhet. Pra, nuk e ndjenë, nuk e mendon atë që e thotë dhe për këtë shkak doli ashtu si doli. Fevziu në këtë mes më habiti… E gjithë ajo karrierë, që në fund të ulët në veturë zyrtare me Haxhiun dhe Buzhalën. Kryeministri shqiptar është çështje e rëndësishme dhe ajo nuk mohohet, por edhe më e rëndësishme është që të jeni njëherë e përgjithmonë të sinqertë me këtë popull të vuajtur. Dil dhe sinqerisht thuaj se aq pata takat politik, sa për 100 ditë edhe pse e premtova për mandat të plotë.Continue Reading
The dynamics of the new geopolitical disorder
By Selim Ibraimi- The United States and the European Union are making great efforts for the Western Balkans to become part of the union by 2030, and for Ukraine to maintain its territorial integrity. Last year’s initiative with 6 billion euros to offer the region closer to the EU, tookContinue Reading
Rritja e nacionalizmit teknologjik
Selim Ibraimi- Përgjatë shekullit të XX, kalimi nga gjeopolitika klasike në gjeopolitikën kritike vlerësohej se ishte ontologjike dhe epistemologjike. Në marrëdhëniet ndërkombëtare, gjeopolitika kritike filloi të zhvillohej më shumë aty kah fundi i shekullit të XX dhe me ndryshimet e mëdha që ndodhën në bllokun lindor. Në kuptimin ontologjik, “materializmiContinue Reading