
Selim Ibraimi- In parallel with the campaign for the election of presidential candidates and party calculations for the April parliamentary elections in North Macedonia, a new wave of political disinformation as part of digital disinformation has begun to heat the political and emotional competition among ethnic groups. We have becomeContinue Reading


Atlantic Forum By Mejreme Asllani –In a complex Euro-Atlantic geopolitical environment, which witnessed the return of conventional warfare following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, enhancing political dialogue and crisis management have turned into NATO’s operational flagships. Since its establishment at the Vilnius Summit on the ashes ofContinue Reading


Suedia do t’i bashkohet NATO-s pasi parlamenti i Hungarisë votoi të hënën për të miratuar anëtarësimin e saj, duke i dhënë fund një bllokimi që ka zgjatur pothuajse dy vjet. Zyrtarët dhe diplomatët e NATO-s thanë se formalitetet e anëtarësimit mund të përfundojnë deri në fund të javës. Finlanda gjithashtuContinue Reading


By Pınar Dost– In the mid-nineteenth century, Russian Tsar Nicholas I called the Ottoman Empire the “sick man of Europe.” After a centuries-long decline, the empire officially crumbled in 1922. Yet from those ashes, the Turkish Republic arose; over just a century, it has established a different trajectory. Turkey has evolvedContinue Reading


Serbia has received another arms delivery from its ally Russia despite international sanctions on Moscow over its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Serbian populist President Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday presented a Russian anti-drone system for electronic jamming known as Repellent that he recently said “is in our hands.” He spoke ahead ofContinue Reading


Selim Ibraimi- In the last two centuries, the Western Balkans have been Europe’s most troubled region. There have been several factors that have contributed to the Balkans being a hot spot. The internal factors were the nations of the region themselves with the centuries-old goals of forming nation-states, and onContinue Reading


PRESS STATEMENT MATTHEW MILLER, DEPARTMENT SPOKESPERSON Today, the Department of State is designating two individuals and 12 entities from the Western Balkans connected to Russia’s malign influence in the region and the corruption that enables it.  The Department is designating Misa Vacic, a Serbian politician, for participating in Kremlin-organized illegitimateContinue Reading


Russian President Vladimir Putin has awarded Serbia’s ex-intel chief Aleksandar Vulin with the Order of Friendship for his significant contribution to the cooperation between Serbian spay agency BIA and Russian FSB. Vulin has been under U.S. sanctions for corruption and links to organized crime and Russia. Reading

Selim Ibraimi

By Selim Ibraimi- The United States and the European Union are making great efforts for the Western Balkans to become part of the union by 2030, and for Ukraine to maintain its territorial integrity. Last year’s initiative with 6 billion euros to offer the region closer to the EU, tookContinue Reading

Selim Ibraimi

Selim Ibraimi- Përgjatë shekullit të XX, kalimi nga gjeopolitika klasike në gjeopolitikën kritike vlerësohej se ishte ontologjike dhe epistemologjike. Në marrëdhëniet ndërkombëtare, gjeopolitika kritike filloi të zhvillohej më shumë aty kah fundi i shekullit të XX dhe me ndryshimet e mëdha që ndodhën në bllokun lindor. Në kuptimin ontologjik, “materializmiContinue Reading