Dr. Selim Ibraimi – Currently, the situation of Albanian diplomacy is deteriorating and there are no signs that it will improve. In this regard, Kosovo has not inherited proper diplomacy and foreign policy, nor has it made any effort to strengthen this area of ​​international relations since independence. The employeesContinue Reading

73 years with NATO! Collective security from Western Europe to North America. Not only that, NATO after 1991 expanded with members from the Warsaw Bloc and the Western Balkans. Northern Macedonia is the 30th member of the alliance. Below for CSSD readers and the public, we are bringing material publishedContinue Reading

By Dr. Selim Ibraimi- Since the beginning of the Russian war in Ukraine, circumstances to some degree have changed positively in the Balkans. Official Skopje and Sofia have made substantial moves towards opening the way for a lasting and promising agreement. Earlier, before both sides spoke with positive tones, someContinue Reading

By Blerim Abedini, ISSD-NM Cyber security is an actuality that requires prudence in actions. In the world, we encounter various events that are influenced by the ‘power’ of cyber security. We must keep in mind that cyber security has positive sides because of its impact on data storage and populationContinue Reading

By Blerim Abedini, ISSD-NM Economic policy is essential in maintaining the stability of the state and continuing its progress in other areas. The overview of economic policies in the world gives us an understanding of the progress and stability of the state, which varies on every continent. Every meridian ofContinue Reading

By Blerim Abedini, ISSD-NM State economies after the economic transition continue without legitimacy, to enter the spheres of national interest. However, the private companies fight this incompetence and manage to reap success. A new form of communication is emerging in developed countries as private political inclusion. Elon Musk with theContinue Reading

Nga Dr. SELIM IBRAIMI- Gjithnjë kur një luftë shpërthen, ekziston mundësia që shtetet fqinje të përfshihen qoftë drejtpërsëdrejti ose tërthorazi nga efektet e propagandës dhe mjeteve tjera hibride. Në rastin e Ukrainës, Rusia qysh herët është kujdesur që nëpërmes njësive speciale, në rast të përshkallëzimit të konfliktit, të aktivizojë aktorëContinue Reading

By Blerim Abedini, ISSD-NM Eastern and Southeastern Europe contain former Soviet states that remain uncertain regions for the European Union. While North Macedonia is released from the list of hybrid regime states, now it has to deal with corrupt deals. Corruption has left roots and the majority parties involved inContinue Reading

Nga Blerim Abedini, ISSD-NM Evropa Lindore dhe Juglindore e përbërë kryesisht nga ish shtetet sovjetike, mbetet akoma rajon i pasigurt për Unionin Evropian. Derisa Maqedonia Veriore doli nga lista e shteteve të regjimit hibrid tani shteti duhet të merret me aktet korruptive. Korrupsioni ka lënë rrënjë të thella dhe partitëContinue Reading