By Blerim Abedini, Center for Security Studies and Development-Macedonia (CSSD) The political stability in the region is a work in progress and may affect the region’s ability to respond to climate changes. The floodwaters have also washed away the signs that warn of fields of landmines planted during the BalkanContinue Reading

By Blerim Abedini- Center for Security Studies and Development (CSSD)- Macedonia Poverty as challenge of World’s leaderships to save the living habitats.  Warming as rising factor with dangerous consequences.  Local governments and efforts to bring near community’s requirements.  Meetings and research on climate issues for avoiding poverty in future WeContinue Reading

By Blerim Abedini-Center for Security Studies and Development, Macedonia (CSSD) Russia and China between other countries of interest are looking to Balkan’s Peninsula as major for their approach as integration to global markets. Russia’s investments in the energy sector in Serbia and Bosnia. Opposing forces to Russia’s return in Balkans.China’s strategicContinue Reading

By Blerim Abedini, Center for Security Studies and Development-Macedonia (CSSD) The international laws against war destruction as treaties, convention and resolution. War destruction in the World. Military actions as threats to nuclear plants in different parts of the World. Balkans after war and rebuilding the region. The United Nations treaties,Continue Reading

Analysis by Blerim Abedini, Center for Security Studies and Development-Macedonia (CSSD) Part II The political stability in the region is a work in progress and may affect the region’s ability to respond to climate changes. The floodwaters have also washed away the signs that warn of fields of landmines plantedContinue Reading

[dropcap]D[/dropcap]iam wisi quam lorem vestibulum nec nibh, sollicitudin volutpat at libero litora, non adipiscing. Nulla nunc porta lorem, nascetur pede massa mauris lectus lectus, in magnis, praesent turpis. Ut wisi luctus ullamcorper. Et ullamcorper sollicitudin elit odio consequat mauris, wisi velit tortor semper vel feugiat dui, ultricies lacus. Congue mattisContinue Reading

[dropcap]D[/dropcap]iam wisi quam lorem vestibulum nec nibh, sollicitudin volutpat at libero litora, non adipiscing. Nulla nunc porta lorem, nascetur pede massa mauris lectus lectus, in magnis, praesent turpis. Ut wisi luctus ullamcorper. Et ullamcorper sollicitudin elit odio consequat mauris, wisi velit tortor semper vel feugiat dui, ultricies lacus. Congue mattisContinue Reading