Iran has become a fully-fledged member of the BRICS
Russia’s President Putin says “Iran has become a fully-fledged member of the BRICS.”Continue Reading
Russia’s President Putin says “Iran has become a fully-fledged member of the BRICS.”Continue Reading
Jusuf Buxhovi: MAQEDONIA -Nga antika deri te koha jonë”, boti “Jalifat Publishing”- Houston dhe “Faik Konica”-Prishtinë, viti 2019 Nga Qerim LITA- Studiuesi dhe historiani i mirënjohur shqiptar, Jusuf Buxhovi, pas botimit të veprës madhore tetë vëllimshme “Kosova”, historiografisë shqiptare i dhuroi edhe një vepër tjetër po aq madhore dhe tëContinue Reading
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