Skopje:Debate on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)

From the debate on CVE, Skopje, Macedonia.What is next for the region? Foreign fighters,education and integration.Experts,journalists and representatives of religious community have discussed all causes and options how to prevent violent extremism in the Balkans.Themes: Dynamics,approaches,empowering local partners,the role of media to prevent violence,inter- culture,inter-faith, inter-dialogues, global and regional challenges, the role of Macedonia on CVE etc.

Emerging violent extremism has been the theme of the panel discussion organized by the Center for Security Studies and Development with representatives of civil society, religious communities and media. It was emphasized in the debate was the need to address this phenomenon in a more comprehensive manner, without trend and bias.

The debate was supported by Municipality of Tearce.


(CSSD Press Release)
