Who is behind the tragedy in Tetovo?

(BRIEF, S. Ibraimi)The recent tragedy in Tetovo has many links: High corruption at the local and central level and their links to the companies of Zaev’s officials.
Here it is important to investigate the officials of Ali Ahmeti’s party, ie the former collaborators of Nikola Gruevski, supporters of the Russians in N. Macedonia. It is not worth the money of American taxpayers to be misused even for the government of N. Macedonia and the civil sector, some of them associated with officials suspected of corruption. It is time for the U.S. Embassy to take a firm stand on the rule of law and corruption in Northern Macedonia. Without an independent investigation, the loss of trust in institutions will continue. The State Department to review policy for Northern Macedonia which is slipping into the abyss. (BRIEF, S. Ibraimi)

Tetovo after the tradegy. Credit : Arbnora Memeti, photojournalist. Members of the government walking at Tetovo Hospital.