The Balkans: One arena in the standoff


By Blerim Abedini, the Center for Security Studies and Development- Macedonia(CSSD)

Cohesion between the three economies in the Balkans as are capitalist, socialist and mixed, these brought the major world powers in the peninsula.  The Balkans is an old US event. Apparently Bosphor channel represents geopolitical interests in the Balkans as ‘Silk Road’ that mattered to medieval Europe.


The world is approaching changes that will be essential to its rebirth. Systems that failed for few reasons, brought instability in the global economy. Open market aimed to change many things in the 60’s of last century, so it seems now is reborn on the world stage.

In history known as the Balkan Peninsula which had geostrategic importance, since the political and economic interests, the realization of these aspirations have passed on this peninsula. Starting from the Roman Empire, then the Ottoman Empire, World War I, World War II and post-socialist struggles, also wars in the Middle East, Central Asia and the Third World, all events  are related to the Balkan Peninsula.

We will refer to the last century, the division of the world market in the capitalist, socialist and Third World. In fact these are synonyms for aristocracy, bureaucracy and military power.

Former Yugoslav federation by investigating the risks of occupation, it had financed the army by a third of the state budget and then Yugoslav Federation felt free to become non-member state in position with global military alliances. While socialist Albania considered dangerous its foreign policy, so therefore it focused on the agrarian economy.

Cohesion between the three economies in the Balkans as it capitalist, socialist and mixed, they have brought the major world powers in the peninsula. The Balkans is an old US event. This confirms Mr. Biden, who reminded his visit as the 70s years,  when he had meeting with President Tito.

The US after World War II has cooperated with the Western Balkans to implement its geopolitics and by that, to connect with Greece and Turkey. Apparently Bosphor channel represents geopolitical interests in the Balkans as ‘Silk Road’ that mattered to medieval Europe.

Integration of socialist and capitalist society, which occurred in Germany in 1989, began the process of transition. While the Balkans a ‘table of controversy’ revived the war in Europe, which war slowed the process of integration of the European Union.

Separate states of the Soviet Union faced the ruthless market power. Capitalist market standards won over those socialist standards. Recommendations of the European Union than was to integrate the former socialist countries, by dealing with the market economy and necessary reforms in state governance structures. Almost all the former socialist countries have accepted membership in the EU.

While some developed European countries reject the EU, expressing pessimism about the progress of the European Union. The EU as a re-born child should resolve issues with Russia about importing gas from Caucasian because it is not yet a stable Union. Also, Russia necessarily should negotiate and find market sales of natural gas to the Balkans and Europe otherwise it will continue to sell military arsenal in certain states. US should keep its role at international level because of the lost confidence by some states.

Trust is the result of lost unsustainable policies in international efforts of US,  to extinguish the crisis. But thanks to historical experience, the US has the ability to fix the crisis. Washington’s policies should take into account the EU’s weaknesses, that is facing the enlargement process.

It should consider the EU as a trading partner and central trade area. US should decreases tension with Russia, bypassing anti-missile barriers as something relative and then influence for the liberalization of the natural gas market.

Also, the US should say- NO to illegal trades with countries of the Middle and South America. It should fight negative phenomena in society as market narcotics, illegal immigration, the ecosystem of the Amazon River, devastating study of natural phenomena and new alternatives to other energy sources. US should deny the extreme concentration of the NATO Alliance by applying liberalization and the self-determination of member states, otherwise polarization or creation of an opposing military alliance in the world is possible.

Turkey is in deep political crisis, and is an alarm’s signal for the NATO forces at its base near Adana-town. Coup in Turkey moved back in the 60’s, when the opposition was weak as today. Greece as neighbor in the past had coups, but today it has emphasized opposition. The recent coup in Turkey resulted in the disconnection of electricity to the NATO base at Incirlik. There were also protests by thousands citizens across NATO base, with support of the Turkish Gendarmerie, prejudices about the coup.

NATO apparently will not allow Turkey to terminate the bilateral relations with the US. Especially now, when Turkey tries renewal of bilateral relations with Russia, Israel, Syria, etc.

On the other hand Turkey has lost hope for EU membership and has fragile relations with the US because of the support for the new Kurdish state. Before some time, Turkey banned the landing of German aircraft in Incirlik base. This dispute is thought to be related to the financing of expenditures on immigrants concentrated in Turkey or influenced by the German press and its criticism against the Turkish government.

The US is likely to change its course with some internal reforms. Among other things, weak policy of the US has affected synonymous loss, as earlier when it was named very popular place in the world. So the US needs a leader who will take into consideration these dilemmas, otherwise ‘Cold Peace’ will still coexist in the world.