(CSSD-Macedonia) -If the experts could point to any single book as a starting point for understanding the subject of intelligence from the late twentieth century to today, that single book would be Allen W. Dulles’s The Craft of Intelligence. This classic of spycraft is based on Allen Dulles’s incomparable experienceContinue Reading

“Shadows in the Desert” offers a comprehensive history of Persia’s wars with East and West The empires of ancient Persia remain as mysterious today as they were to contemporary Western scholars. Although Alexander the Great’s conquest of Persia is legendary, the military successes of the Achaemenid, Parthian, and Sassanian empires,Continue Reading

The epic story of the rise and fall of the empire of cotton, its centrality to the world economy, and its making and remaking of global capitalism. Cotton is so ubiquitous as to be almost invisible, yet understanding its history is key to understanding the origins of modern capitalism. SvenContinue Reading

Fourth Edition Sheds New Light on Open Source Intelligence Collection and Analysis. Author Michael Bazzell has been well known and respected in government circles for his ability to locate personal information about any target through Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). In this book, he shares his methods in great detail. EachContinue Reading